anthony js

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

CNNNN: On the streets of America...

This is very very funny. I'm glad I found this, I remember seeing it on TV a couple of years ago.

First, a member of the Chaser team goes around the streets of America claiming to be the Australian PM.
"It's just so nice to be recognised."

Second, Americans are asked who they should invade next. They're also asked to point those countries out on a map...

Third, more questions about killings and invasions...

(I understand that CNNNN would have been very selective in their editing. I know they would have encountered plenty of sensible people... But these responses are hilarious. And disturbing.)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Coincidence? Or am I just really influential?

Ha...Very interesting. I just then came across this article by an American columnist, suggesting that Bush retire to Baghdad - pretty much what I said on my June 18 post. And this article was published on June 19... So I reckon this blog draws a wider readership than I thought it did... Either that or it's just a really good idea for George that everyone's suddenly thought of! Or maybe I'm getting a little carried away...

Anyway, he articulates the proposal much better than I did...

Here 'tis...

Tom Tomorrow

More of Tom Tomorrow's work can be found at There are some really good ones...

Probably best to click-to-enlarge this one...
(Very interestingly, this was originally published in October 2002)

Friday, June 23, 2006

It'll be Howard v Beazley in '07

Well, I have on a couple of occasions expressed my desire to see Julia Gillard (or Kevin Rudd) elevated to leader of the federal Labor Party. I still believe that a third shot for the prime ministership by Mr. Beazley is a bit ridiculous. Admittedly though, he probably is one of perhaps only two or three Labor Party members who actually could stand a chance of winning.

It seems pretty clear now that Kim Beazley will lead Labor to the next election, due next year. And I am going to now predict, as many others are, that John Howard will lead the government to the polls to seek another victory. There is no sign of Howard winding down, nor any real sign of Costello begining to step up. And the next election isn't really that far away.

Giving credit where it's due, Beazley is starting to look a little stronger. I don't know what the current public surveys are indicating, but I think Labor is beginning to emerge from the dire straits they've been in over the past months. Talk of possible leadership challenges has died down. Internal disagreements, though they no doubt continue, are not being scrutinised to the same degree by the media (which seems to have a short attention span sometimes). And a stance has finally been taken - on Australian Workplace Agreements. Certainly, it's only one of many issues on which Labor needs to establish a clearer alternative, but AWAs are a particularly important subject for Australians in this time of pretty major industrial relations changes.

We need a change of government in 2007. And I don't want that to sound like an opinion from a merely biased standpoint. At the next election, it will be almost twelve years since the Howard clan came to power. Twelve years! So we can hardly blame them for being an arrogant bunch. Think what you like about the Howard-Costello management of the economy, this government has a lot to answer for as far as the social health of this nation. Not to mention the way in which they handled issues such as the GST, Telstra, civil liberties, children-overboard, the ABC, Iraq, the AWB, and universities (see Sarah's recent post about UQ's Schonell theatre).

Now that it appears that Kim will lead the alternative government to the next election, I should stop ranting on about Jules and Kev, shouldn't I? Yep. Beazley has my support. Let the good times roll.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ellen DeGeneres

I found a very nice video clip of a chat between Hillary Clinton and Ellen DeGeneres on a ferry in New York City. Hillary seems to have quite a presence about her, not to mention a heck of a lot of people surrounding her in this clip... NYC is definately somewhere I'd like to go.

On the subject of Ellen DeGeneres, here's another video clip: of Meryl Streep on her show, Ellen, during which they play a very amusing accent game...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Meryl as Miranda

The definition of sophistication.
Couldn't help myself, I had to put these up...!
The Devil Wears Prada

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Due in September...

The trailer is disappointing, and reveals very little. But I nonetheless am looking forward to this...

Let them finish what they started. On location.

It's theirs to clean up.....

An immeasurable number of human beings have been killed as a result of decisions made by these men. As a result of their lies and manipulation. Why they are still in power beats me. How they can still smile is beyond my comprehension. I don't know... Maybe the act of mass murder isn't as bad as I thought it was.

After they leave political office, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard should not be permitted a peaceful retirement, making the odd speech and attending the odd book-launching or opening ceremony. Their retirement homes should be in Baghdad or Kabul. And each day, they can get out there and help rebuild the communities and the lives shattered as a result of their pointless crusade.

They started it. And we shouldn't let them bugger off to some luxury villa, making someone else clean up their mess.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Randomonium II

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hillary Update

Hillary has drawn criticism for her remarks over the way the U.S. House of Representatives is being run by the Republicans. The Democrats currently lack majorities in both the House and the Senate (hence the lack of feasibility of a Bush impeachment right now). But the elections are this year, and a very strong chance is held by the Dems to regain control and start getting things done.

The specific comment was:

"When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about."

(The audience she was addressing was mostly black. As a result, the comment has been described by some as racist. And throwing in her two-bobs' worth, Laura Bush said the remark was "ridiculous". Defending the Senator, among others, have been Al Sharpton and Barack Obama.)

Here's a video of the fairly brief speech. You can see in this clip why some people describe Hillary Clinton as an "angry" person - a trait perhaps not ideal for a presidential candidacy.

And here's her response to the criticism.

Also making the sparks fly was when Hillary pretty much stated the obvious...

"I predict to you that this administration will go down in history as one of the worst that has ever governed our country."


Also in Hillary World, the state of the Clintons' marriage is again under scrutiny. The New York Times conducted a study of their diaries, discovering that they spend an average of 14 days per month together... This was supposed to be a shock... And yes, some people did carry on about it. What? Just 14 days??

Personally, I reckon 14 days is pretty good. In fact, it's more than I would have thought, considering he's a jet-setting former president and she's a New York senator.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Happy with the Opposition

On at least two occasions, pre-health crisis, I've heard Premier Beattie say something along the lines of "Well, as far as we're concerned, we're very happy with the Opposition".

We're happy, in other words, to have crap competition: an Opposition that should probably get used to the idea of being an Opposition.

We all know about the challenges that Team Beattie has faced during recent times. Very heavy criticism has come from around the entire country. The health system of this state remains a mess, and a lot of work is still needed. Some pretty disconcerting things have been revealed over the past year or so.

And, although some would argue me on this point, the Beattie Government remains all-but-unbeatable. Yep, approval ratings dropped for a while there. Newspapers were filled with pictures of frowning Petes. Talk-back radio stations received non-stop calls from Beattie-bashers. And yet! Mr. Springborg, in true Beazley-esque fashion, never came across as a genuine alternative for leader. He called for resignations, inquiries, investigations, revolts, the lot. And did he at any point allow us to imagine him sitting on the Speaker's right? Well, for me, it's a big fat NOPE.

Now, Springborg and Quinn - in somewhat comical fashion - have embarrassed themselves in front of the nation. Honestly, I could have put money on it. That whole "New Liberals" thing was doomed from the start - our omnipotent Prime Minister was opposed to it. It's difficult not to giggle, thinking about the grinning Lawrence and Bob, giving vague answers to questions that required detailed answers. They were confident. They were united. Hehe...for a couple of days, yeah.

I admit that the love affair between Beattie and the public/media is probably over. He looks a little tired, a little worn. He has lots of work to do yet. But defeat at the next election is almost impossible to fathom. He'll be Premier as long as he wants to. Reminds me of a certain John...

I reckon Beattie is a good guy. (A little more leftiness would be nice, but, this is sadly a big ask for most Labor politicians these days.) I like him, though I can't say the same for his cabinet members, some of whom are really not switched-on. And we should remember that this government was not the cause of the health mess. They were certainly not doing enough about it and made a lot of mistakes. But this was a problem - out of public view - during Queensland's previous governments. There's really no way to doubt that.

Though I've not heard him say it lately, I'm sure Peter Beattie remains happy with the Opposition.

Premier Springborg... Hmmm, sort of like an oxymoron, wouldn't you say?


I've been a Jamiroquai fan for a few years. Over the last couple of weeks, I've been listening to some music from their earlier albums. And I tell you, they have supplied us with what is surely some of the funkiest/grooviest music ever produced. Anyone who hasn't heard Jamiroquai (well, more than just what's played on the radio) must get on to doing so. I challenge you to keep your entire body completely still whilst listening.

Here are some of my personal favourites.

Soul Education
When You Gonna Learn?
Emergency On Planet Earth
Seven Days in Sunny June
Travelling Without Moving
Cosmic Girl
Love Foolosophy
Don't Give Hate A Chance
Time Won't Wait
So Good to Feel Real