anthony js

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wires crossed

I went via a nearby convenience store on my way to the bus early yesterday morning to buy one of those ten-trip-saver cards that can be used on buses and ferries. The regular behind the counter is an extremely quiet Asian woman. I think her English is relatively limited.

I buy the adult version because my student card expired late last year, and drivers do occasionally ask to see concession cards if you have a concession ticket. Anyway...

I said
"Can I have a concession, two-zone ten-trip saver, thanks?"

She proceeded to get one, scanned it, handed it to me and told me it was $10.80c. I realised when I heard the price that I'd accidentally asked for a concession, not an adult. It was early and I wasn't fully awake.

I poked a look of frustration (with myself), and said
"Did I say concession? I meant adult. Sorry."

I then received a horrified look, before she responded
"but you said concession."

Thinking at the time that she was stating the obvious back to me, I just looked at her and she looked back. A couple of seconds later, she scanned the card again before fetching an adult version. I paid for it and left.

I have concluded that she misinterpreted and/or misheard me as
Did I say concession? I said adult.

And she must have seen the frustrated look on my face as being directed towards her.

Her upset expression made me feel quite bad afterwards.


  • At Sat Apr 21, 05:04:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Ahh it's a misunderstanding, and an unconfirmed one at that... hopefully she didn't take it the wrong way, but you didn't mean anything by it, so don't feel too bad :)

  • At Sat Apr 21, 06:10:00 PM, Blogger Anthony Stoddart said…

    If I had realised at the time what had happened, I still don't know what I could have said that wouldn't have involved a detailed explanation... Oh well, thank you for your reassurance!


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