anthony js

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

David Hicks

Despite the madness of the way in which these military commissions work; despite the utter unfairness of the so-called "trial"; despite the way in which John Howard and friends failed so miserably in pretending to care about the welfare of David Hicks and his family; despite the fact that America and the Bush administration will get away with this absolutely sickening system they've got going; despite the fact that no one will ever be held accountable for the torture that is so unapologetically conducted at Guantanamo Bay; and despite the last five years,

...I am thrilled by the idea that on New Year's Eve this year, Mr Hicks will be free. Well, not free like you or me. But much, much freer than he has been for the last half a decade. I have no idea what his mental condition is or what it will become, but I am just so happy that a life away from confined spaces and bars and monsters in uniform does indeed await him.

May Bush and Cheney and their dear friends rot.


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