Honesty & Integrity
John Howard and the federal government are having a lot of fun lecturing Kevin Rudd and the Opposition over honesty and integrity. Rudd covered it up! The alternative PM met with a disgraced and corrupt former premier! This is the man who wants to lead the country! Look at him! An image in tatters!
Firstly... For John Winston Howard to be lecturing anyone on honesty and integrity is a joke in itself. It goes past the point of being laughable. Howard lost any right he once might have had to accuse others of lacking honesty and integrity. He lost it quite some time ago. When it comes to honesty and integrity, he should keep quiet.
Secondly... Kevin Rudd met with Brian Burke. Alright. If his intention was to meet with Burke directly to discuss whatever it was, then it was not wise. It seems a person's adversary - particularly in politics - is capable of digging up as much dirt as they like if they so desire. Both sides of politics do it. So, if what we are being told is true, then it was not a wise move at all.
An uncharged Australian slowly rots in Guantanamo Bay for half a decade and his government can't give a flying. Indeed, they speak of him with contempt and subtly express their wish to see him rot completely. During this time, they support and contribute to a war led by none other than that beacon of honesty and integrity, George Walker Bush.
A quick Google search I've just conducted on the definition of "integrity" links it with the term, "moral soundness".
Refusing to give a shit when one of your country's citizens is the victim of torture on the other side of the world... Morally sound behaviour? Praising actions that result in the deaths of thousands upon thousands of men, women and children? I can only guess that it's morally sound behaviour in John Howard's world, because, after all, he appears to believe that if anyone's going to lecture and preach on honesty and integrity, it should be him.
At Mon Mar 05, 11:15:00 AM, Arthur_Vandelay said…
Howard's sacking of Campbell in order to keep the focus on Rudd is a gesture of political desperation that will be obvious to all but the most one-eyed and obsequious conservatoids.
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