anthony js

Monday, February 19, 2007


Apparently, we're all supposed to give a shit that Britney Spears shaved her hair off.

The 'news' (let's use the term very loosely here) of a bald Britney made it to the first half of National Nine News. I couldn't believe the newsreader, Melissa Downes, introduced the story with a straight face. Huh? I changed channels.

What the hell was I doing even watching National Nine News?

There are important, news-worthy events occurring in this country and around the world every single day. The planet doesn't stop for Sunday in order to allow Britney's baldness and other trashy stories like it to become headlines. I am tempted to say that our intelligence is being insulted more and more, and not just on Sundays. But I think it's reaching the point where I can't use the word 'intelligence'.

This crap is gobbled up by the masses and, without doubt, is being discussed in workplaces everywhere. The top of Britney's head, I'm certain, will stir up plenty of passion in Australians - much more than what some dull story on Darfur or climate change ever could.

Tell me if I'm being harsh. But I don't think it's all that unreasonable to believe that there is a reason why commercial news embraces stories like this. They make us tune in. Viewers do actually care.


  • At Tue Feb 20, 02:25:00 AM, Blogger jenniferlouisewright said…

    It's the malaise of modern society - of course this story IS totally insignificant and a distraction from the real stuff that's going on. But that's exactly what the news networks, the media and arguably our governments want - distract us from caring about what we should, and keep up spending. It's utterly perverse. The world is heading for meltdown in the light of global warming, and they choose to lead with this story. I'm ashamed.

    My theory is that there's a select minority of us out there, a niche which is dwindling further day by day. This niche appreciates thought, likes to debate ideas, welcomes variation and difference and deplors the transience creeping blandness and laziness of modern culture. This is why those of us in said minority need to get together on free sites such as this and reassure one another that we are not alone!

    I believe very strongly in this! ;)

  • At Tue Feb 20, 05:06:00 PM, Blogger Anthony Stoddart said…

    Here here, Jennifer. I agree wholeheartedly.

    If people do not wish to hear about the world's problems, then they should not feel obligated to watch the news, which, after all, should not engage in being selective just because it happens to be Sunday...


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