anthony js

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Five Favourite Quotes

I have been 'tagged' by Sarah. See her five favourite quotes.

Mine do not at all prove to be as amusing as Sarah's. I have a lot of favourite quotes, but here's a few.

"It's not that I'm afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens."
Woody Allen, 1976
This has almost become clichéd, but I still think it's brilliant. What's more, it pretty much sums up how I feel about that inevitable event too.
"If they're not here by two o'clock, we're fucked."
Ryan Baines, 2005
It's a long story that's too hard to explain on here. Ryan is a friend, and this was uttered on a random set of stairs in a random street in Toowong in the early hours of 2005. The absurdity of the comment is still reflected on.
"To those of you who do not read, attend the theatre, listen to unsponsored radio programs or know anything of the world in which you live - it is perhaps necessary to introduce myself."
Addison de Witt (played by George Sanders), All About Eve (1950)
"What upsets me about the job? Wasted talent. People could come to me, and they could go, 'Excuse me, David, but you've been in the business twelve years. Can you just spare us a moment to tell us how to run a team, how to keep them task-orientated as well as happy?' But they don't. That's the tragedy."
David Brent (played by Ricky Gervais), The Office, Series One
'The Office' (UK) is the most quotable program I've ever seen, and expect to ever see. Virtually every line is quotable. So, this is just one of many.
"Life is no way to treat an animal."
Kurt Vonnegut, 2004


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