anthony js

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Chaser 07

I'm so far, expectedly, enjoying the current season of The Chaser's War On Everything. Along with being clever and witty, they're brave and willing to do almost anything it seems. Nothing will beat The Election Chaser from a few years back, when the politicians in Canberra had no idea who they were. But it's still good viewing.

Forgive my protection of the Clintons, but I have to comment on Charles Firth's segment from tonight's program. If Chaser is going to get that close to Hillary Clinton - I mean, to the point of shaking her hand and speaking to her face-to-face - why oh why must the opportunity be wasted with a clichéd, lame cigar joke?! It really didn't work, and it didn't deserve to. They could have made a gem from those few moments, but alas, no. I felt sorry for Hillary. It wasn't funny.

Apart from that low point, they're doing a good job - particularly with their regular analysis of A Current Affair and Today Tonight.


  • At Wed Apr 11, 09:46:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Oh come on Anthony, she just did what every politician does in that situation- set her teeth on edge in a terrifying grin, and stared straight through him, while pretending she was having a great time. It's not like she was ever going to play along to anything Firth was doing anyway :P

    But yeah, that was probably one of the less funny bits. Along with Julian getting assaulted by those thugs the Bra Boys... I always worry when the Chaser dudes venture into bogan territory and the bogans get violent...

  • At Wed Apr 11, 10:05:00 PM, Blogger Anthony Stoddart said…

    But it was Hillary! They probably won't get that close to her again, and the best he could come up with was something like "I'll bring along my cigar". Oh, please... The cigar jokes went out with powdered wigs. Opportunity for gold LOST!

    That Bra Boys thing made me a little anxious, actually.

    The slightly-too-loud-commuter is a crack-up. And the ashes segment from tonight was funny too.

  • At Thu Apr 12, 11:24:00 AM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Forgot to watch it last night but will watch the repeat on Friday for sure.

    But you're right, I don't think they will ever beat The Election Chaser.


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