anthony js

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ellen DeGeneres

I found a very nice video clip of a chat between Hillary Clinton and Ellen DeGeneres on a ferry in New York City. Hillary seems to have quite a presence about her, not to mention a heck of a lot of people surrounding her in this clip... NYC is definately somewhere I'd like to go.

On the subject of Ellen DeGeneres, here's another video clip: of Meryl Streep on her show, Ellen, during which they play a very amusing accent game...


  • At Mon Jun 26, 03:35:00 AM, Blogger jenniferlouisewright said…

    I watched the Meryl-Ellen interview. MARVELLOUS. I LOVE Meryl's naughty laugh - and the accent game was fabulous viewing. I especially liked Meryl's Bronx accent. HAHAHA. Oh yeah and the story about Meryl Streep Day in NY and the taxi ... she's phenomenally down-to-earth isn't she? Elle's fab, too.

  • At Mon Jun 26, 09:12:00 AM, Blogger Anthony Stoddart said…

    Yes, it really is a fun little interview.

    Meryl knew exactly what to do with the Yiddish accent (you could hear her rabbi from 'Angels in America' there). The gestures during the Bronx accent cracked me up.


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