Getting local for a minute...
Queen Street Mall. The middle. The newsagent, the Hungry Jack's that insane people buy food from, the place where policemen stand around and chat. You know the area? Well, just to the left of the photos above...
I couldn't find a photo of it, but recently completed in that spot is the refurbished public toilets. Work was being done there for quite some time. You couldn't see in to find out what they were doing. I'd assumed they were getting rid of the public toilets, which no person in their right mind ever entered. Some public art, maybe? A small take-away coffee store?
I was wrong. The public toilets remain. And it looks ten times worse than it did before. Who the fark designed this piece of shit? Concrete. Drab concrete. Walls of it, as well as on the ground. With green dots throughout. And, it looks custom-made for the dregs. I'm in the city almost every day, and it's become not only a major eye-sore in the dead-centre of town, but a gathering spot for undesirables. I've seen them call out comments to passers-by, ride around on the wheelie-bin (which has taken up a permanent place there), and contribute to their apparent goal to create a cigarette-butt hill.
What a disaster. The design is pure shit. And now the offscourings have a perfect spot for occupation - right in the middle of the mall, which, let's face it, is Brisbane city.
I accept that people have a right to sit/stand wherever they want, for however long they want. But what can I say? I guess my views change when I'm in the Queen Street Mall. I become a hypocrite, given. I become a little conservative, even. People will stand outside that Hungry Jack's for hours, and they won't move an inch for a soul. Get the hell out of the way and go find a life, people. It looks really really bad. (And they're usually either try-hard homies or 16-year-old girls who think it's 2016).
And these refurbished toilets have only enlarged the joke that Brisbane city often tends to be.
(I promise the old fogy in me will be gone by the next post...)
At Wed May 31, 05:18:00 PM, Sarah said…
I hate going into the city. The kind of kids you mention at the end of your post is one thing. Being smoked all over by inconsiderate smokers is probably the worst though (and includes a good percentage of the former group). Actually what's worst is the fact that the smokers make no effort to avoid smoking around young children and babies (sometimes their own). That should be against the law.
People are so incredibly pushy and hurried in the city, too. I don't understand why anyone would go there by choice!
We had to go into the city today for a last-minute orthodontist appointment. At least this time we could walk past the casino without having to go single-file with all the other pedestrians because of whatever godawful 'renovation' they're doing to that area.
I haven't seen the public toilets you're referring to, but I'm in no doubt they're at least as bad as you say...
At Thu Jun 01, 03:18:00 PM, Anonymous said…
totally agree Anth. I have learnt some new vocab from that piece.
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