Let them finish what they started. On location.
It's theirs to clean up.....
An immeasurable number of human beings have been killed as a result of decisions made by these men. As a result of their lies and manipulation. Why they are still in power beats me. How they can still smile is beyond my comprehension. I don't know... Maybe the act of mass murder isn't as bad as I thought it was.
After they leave political office, George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard should not be permitted a peaceful retirement, making the odd speech and attending the odd book-launching or opening ceremony. Their retirement homes should be in Baghdad or Kabul. And each day, they can get out there and help rebuild the communities and the lives shattered as a result of their pointless crusade.
They started it. And we shouldn't let them bugger off to some luxury villa, making someone else clean up their mess.
At Mon Jun 19, 04:40:00 AM, jenniferlouisewright said…
I couldn't agree more. How those grinning bafoons can continue on their path of self-righteousness when so many of their own people have been killed in action, not to mention the appalling amount of civilian casualites. I also want to reiterate the point you made from Moby's journal posts, about America losing moral authority. So true. Did they ever have it? did any of the western countries ever have moral authority? All I can see is, a hell of a lot of totally innocent men, women and children have been killed under the umbrella 'war on terror'. Bush and B-Liar have used it to suit their own gains, as they like to delude themselves into thinking they are saviours of the world.
In this country, no matter what B-LIAR does between now and him buggering off, his legacy will be Iraq and he will NOT be fondly remembered. I hope that George W Bush is equally judged by history as being the most destructive and poisonous commander in chief the US has ever had.
Incidentally, was reading some of his quotes the other day on the dubyaspeak site you link to. The way this man relentlessly curdles the english language and offends people in the process is past comedic. How can he be in charge when he stole the election anyway?
I don't know much about "bloody Howard" but I can tell from the tone of your posts that he deserves the same resentment as our other two 'stupid white men'. What a shambles the lot of them are, and how ashamed I am to be living in a country headed by such a MORON.
At Mon Jun 19, 01:28:00 PM, Anthony Stoddart said…
I think we can be fairly confident that GWB will be remembered as a disgraceful - and illegitimate - president. He is without doubt one of the most destructive. And for certain the most unintelligent.
From what I know of him, Blair started out OK during the first few years. But it's the way he's aligned himself so unashamedly with the careless creatures of the Bush administration that makes his cheesy grin ineffective and his good policies forgotten (at least by me).
Howard is nowhere near as horrible as his Texan buddy. Our PM is, at least, in possession of something resembling a brain. But, as far as the war in Iraq and the treatment of foreigners is concerned, he has almost as much to answer for as George.
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