As 2006 nears its conclusion...
In January, I posted a short list of hypothetical events that I hoped would be realised in 2006. Let me reflect upon it...
~ The retirement of John Howard
Well, that sadly didn't happen. Indeed, our beloved PM pledged to run at the next election.
~ The rise of Julia Gillard
You probably couldn't say there was any significant 'rise'. There was talk, of course - on and off - about Julia Gillard's future, but there were no dramatic changes made to her profile. I still hope to see her as leader or deputy one day.
~ The re-election of Hillary Clinton as New York Senator
It happened (albeit predictably)!
~ The overwhelming nationwide success of the U.S. Democrats in the elections
It happened! The mid-term elections in the U.S. were indeed fruitful for the Democrats. They will, as a result, control the House of Reps and the Senate.
~ The severe trampling of George W. Bush by a large number of elephants and goats
It was always only going to be wishful thinking.
~ The collapse of Channel Ten
Alas, no. I remain hopeful, even though it already plays no part in my TV viewing anyhow.
~ The disappearance of Alexander Downer
Unfortunately, the arrogant bastard remains.
~ The arrival of a long, cold winter
It wasn't long and it wasn't cold enough for me. But rest assured, we'll get a fucking long, fucking hot summer. Yay (not).
~ The vast and speedy expansion of the CBD
I suppose it expanded vertically. So much digging going on in there. Such a mess.
~ The return of Fast Forward and Full Frontal
It'd be nice, but no.
~ The deterioration of James Blunt's throat
I don't believe it happened, though he has certainly been off the radar for a while. But I must take that wish back. A little harsh. And besides, I happen to have warmed to his song, 'Wisemen'.