anthony js

Friday, November 03, 2006

Green Streep

I stumbled across this very interesting article written by Meryl Streep for 'The Green Guide'.

Meryl Streep's Top Green Product Picks

"After the fun of playing Miranda Priestley, editor of Runway magazine in The Devil Wears Prada, I was delighted to edit The Green Guide, a real publication that provides practical eco choices for daily life. Green can be fun, too. And it goes with just about everything—your diet, your home and, of course, that perfect little green dress.

The first environmentally sound products I ever bought were organic fruits and vegetables because, as a mother of young children, I didn't want them exposed to toxic pesticide residues. Protecting children's health also involves trying to stop global warming, which is contributing to allergies and the spread of contagious disease, as I've learned from the Harvard Center for Health and the Global Environment ( So the greenhouse gas emissions released in shipping foods long distances is another good reason to buy local. (To find a farmers' market near you, go to

At the same time, as a working parent, I know it's difficult to consider the earth when you're just trying to get dinner on the table. The good news is that going green is easier and more affordable than ever: Mainstream retailers are committing to organic food and fibers and selling certified forest products. Also, fair trade labels, which protect workers' livelihoods, are on the rise.

Here are a few of my favorites..."

(Read on at


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