anthony js

Sunday, December 31, 2006


As done at the beginning of 2006, here is a list of 'events' that I hope are realised in the new year.

~ The defeat of John Howard at the federal election

~ The impeachment and subsequent incarceration of George W. Bush

~ Serious moves taken to save the environment and reverse climate change

~ The announcement of a new Kate Bush album

~ The arrival of a freezing cold winter in Brisbane - one requiring overcoats!

~ Constant rain

~ The banning of jocks from nightclubs...and all public spaces

~ A collective realisation that the Queen Street Mall is a place impossible in which to "let loose"

~ The release of David Hicks and dismantling of Guantanamo Bay

~ The announcement from Al Gore of another go

~ The surprise dumping of faeces on Dick Cheney during a public engagement

~ The revival of the Australian accent

~ The discovering of many a cure

~ The collapse of Channel Ten (let's try again)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Randomonium IV

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I was really pleased that caucus chose Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard to take the reins and lead the alternative government on the undeniably-uphill battle that awaits. It was hard not to feel for Beazley - the loss of his younger brother and the apparent conclusion to his career would have spelt a very unpleasant day for him on Monday.

Rudd and Gillard have a lot to offer and they are both very intelligent people. I enjoyed Rudd's interview on The 7.30 Report on Monday, and Gillard's too on Lateline (though I was disappointed by Tony Jones's uncharacteristically lightweight questioning).

It really shouldn't be as difficult a task as it is to defeat John Howard. He is, after all, incredibly and unashamedly dishonest, arrogant and prejudiced. But, unfortunately, the omnipotent JWH is - as an individual politician - probably the biggest obstacle facing Kevin Rudd. And those surrounding Howard - in true Republican, Gingrich style - will play very, very hard over the next months, doing anything and everything it takes to make Kevin Rudd look 'soft' (and inexperienced) on just about every issue imaginable.

I was looking back on some previous posts I made on the subject of the Labor leadership. I had for quite a while expressed my desire to see Kevin Rudd and particularly Julia Gillard in leadership positions, and I am very glad that this has at last happened. Of course, I should confess that my confident prediction on this site that 2007 would see a Howard vs Beazley contest was obviously off the mark. But I'm happy to have been wrong.


...a change occurred!

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Too close to the election? Maybe. But let's face it: a change is needed.