The Buck Fush Clan
I want to acknowledge these Hollywood celebrities, who have either openly spoken out against the Bush Administration, or actively campaigned for the US Democrats. And this is only some of the group. There are many others, including Morgan Freeman, Richard Gere, Ed Harris, Goldie Hawn, Gene Hackman, Edward Norton, Julia Roberts, Oliver Stone, and Uma Therman. Some non-Hollywood ones include the Dixie Chicks, Eminem, Pearl Jam, Bruce Springsteen, U2, Carlos Santana and Moby. There are many more... Just think Hollywood, and exclude Kelsey Grammar and the Reagans.
At Tue Aug 16, 02:33:00 PM, Anthony Stoddart said…
I have indeed. Thanks!
At Thu Aug 18, 09:04:00 PM, Anthony Stoddart said…
"What is a movie star? A movie star is many things. They can be tall, short, thin, or skinny. They can be Democrats...or skinny."
- Steve Martin, 2003 Oscars
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