anthony js

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Clockwise from bottom left: Outside a city church near Parliament; me in Federation Square; me at the Queen Victoria Markets. Posted by Picasa

I visited Melbourne from the 25th to the 29th, staying with Hayden (as he already knows...). I had an absolutely fantastic time. Was my first time visiting Melbourne, and it is a marvellous city. I enjoyed myself even more than I'd anticipated. Thanks again Hayden for your generosity, your hospitality and for being such an excellent guide. We saw everything!The top photo is me at Federation Square; bottom left is fairly obvious; and bottom right is me at the Queen Victoria Markets.My visit further confirmed my beliefs that Brisbane is boring and uneventful.

The events in London are really horrible. I was watching The 7:30 Report last night when the news came through. And occurring less than twenty-four hours after the Olympics announcement.....

And on the subject of the government's Industrial Relations reforms...

I was wondering... what would the Prime Minister think if he was on holidays (as he was just recently) and got a call from Buckingham Palace. His boss - QEII - says: "John, look, we need you back at work to discuss those trade relations with Commonwealth countries in the South Pacific region." The reply comes, "Oh. Well, I'm on holidays right now, I'm sure the Deputy could take care of that." Her Maj, not happy, responds: "Oh. Well that's not good enough, John. Listen, I'm going to have to dismiss your government. Ta ta."


  • At Fri Jul 08, 04:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The events in London were horrible. Will Sydney or Rome be next?

    It's extremely hard to prevent such an attack on public transport. Yet another reason to drive your car...


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