The Verdict = very good news
Really fantastic news today about Michael Jackson being found not guilty.
The lead-up to the verdict seemed to take forever. This morning, when I got out of bed, I actually thought to myself, 'I wish they'd get on with the verdict'. I had been frustrated how every single news report I saw, read or heard never actually gave any indication as to when a verdict might be delivered. Maybe I kept missing it, but I never had any idea as to whether it was due in two days, two weeks or two months. Anyway, the verdict has now been handed down, and I am really happy about it. I had a feeling all along that he would be found not guilty. Evidently, the prosecution team's case was getting dodgier and dodgier with time. And apparently, Jackson's small army of lawyers were very effective in painting the accusers as con-artists and money-seekers.
Yes indeed, Michael Jackson is odd. But so what? I'm odd. Go into the city and every third person you encounter is odd. Place hidden cameras in the homes of the journalists who brand Michael Jackson as 'wacko' and I am almost certain that you would discover their various oddities as well. And how many of the odd and weird amongst us can produce the sort of music that Jackson does, or move the way he does, or create global goodness the way he does? People have had more-than-enough time to chuck crap at Michael Jackson.
Only time will tell if his reputation/career has been irreversibly damaged.
This exam period is depressing. This is the first time all semester that I have been struggling to motivate myself to work. I have an exam tomorrow and on Thursday, and I have hardly studied. It's really terrible. I am not going to do well.
I can now spot an American a mile off. There are so many here at Uni. I'm in one of the computer zones, and I just had two American girls sitting next to me discussing birth control. I now play pick-the-yank with myself. The Americans - particularly the girls - are distinct in their appearance. When I left home this morning, for example, there were two girls walking in the opposite direction towards me. Both were tanned (albeit fake-tanned). One had her hair tied up high, reminiscent of Patsy from Absolutely Fabulous (but not quite that high). One wore a bright yellow top, the other bright pink. Both quite short. But other than that, they have an aura about them. Very hard to explain. As they approached, I listened for the accent... And there it was. There are a lot of them here.
The lead-up to the verdict seemed to take forever. This morning, when I got out of bed, I actually thought to myself, 'I wish they'd get on with the verdict'. I had been frustrated how every single news report I saw, read or heard never actually gave any indication as to when a verdict might be delivered. Maybe I kept missing it, but I never had any idea as to whether it was due in two days, two weeks or two months. Anyway, the verdict has now been handed down, and I am really happy about it. I had a feeling all along that he would be found not guilty. Evidently, the prosecution team's case was getting dodgier and dodgier with time. And apparently, Jackson's small army of lawyers were very effective in painting the accusers as con-artists and money-seekers.
Yes indeed, Michael Jackson is odd. But so what? I'm odd. Go into the city and every third person you encounter is odd. Place hidden cameras in the homes of the journalists who brand Michael Jackson as 'wacko' and I am almost certain that you would discover their various oddities as well. And how many of the odd and weird amongst us can produce the sort of music that Jackson does, or move the way he does, or create global goodness the way he does? People have had more-than-enough time to chuck crap at Michael Jackson.
Only time will tell if his reputation/career has been irreversibly damaged.
This exam period is depressing. This is the first time all semester that I have been struggling to motivate myself to work. I have an exam tomorrow and on Thursday, and I have hardly studied. It's really terrible. I am not going to do well.
I can now spot an American a mile off. There are so many here at Uni. I'm in one of the computer zones, and I just had two American girls sitting next to me discussing birth control. I now play pick-the-yank with myself. The Americans - particularly the girls - are distinct in their appearance. When I left home this morning, for example, there were two girls walking in the opposite direction towards me. Both were tanned (albeit fake-tanned). One had her hair tied up high, reminiscent of Patsy from Absolutely Fabulous (but not quite that high). One wore a bright yellow top, the other bright pink. Both quite short. But other than that, they have an aura about them. Very hard to explain. As they approached, I listened for the accent... And there it was. There are a lot of them here.
At Tue Jun 14, 01:52:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I too can spot the difference between an American and Australian without hearing the accent. I have gone even further - being able to distinguish between an American and Canadian (trust me - you'd rather know a Canadian).
I thought Michael was going to get off - with all the money spent on lawyers, i'd too want to get off. It is kind of like Mr. Burns off the simpsons and his army of lawyers.
Lets all pray that Russell also gets off (i'd go into a deep state of depression if i was without russell's movies for 7 years). I would confine myself to constant repeats of "The Insider" and "A Beautiful Mind" - lets hope it doesn't get to that state.
At Wed Jun 15, 11:16:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well I have learnt how to be an American, anyone interested should take Aus2000.
And well you know what I think about MJ :)
Exams are crap..can't wait for the hols.
Good Posting A. Really enjoyable reading.
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