anthony js

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Can the Democrats afford a Hillary nomination?

(Top: Democrats Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden; Bottom: Republicans John McCain, Rudolph Giuliani)

Sorry to return to foreign politics here, but I've been doing some thinking about the 2008 presidential election. Sometimes, you'd think it was coming up next week, with all the polls and dicussions and debates and predictions. Of course, it would be great if it was next week. But there's a little while to go yet, sadly.

I have certainly before, and not just on this site, expressed my support for Senator Hillary Clinton and my hopes that the Democrats nominate her for president in 08. She is a superb politician. One American columnist remarked that she "can make Republican colleagues sound like star-struck teenagers". There is no doubting that she is one formidable woman, and carries a large following and support base. But can she really become the US president?

I'm having serious concerns over the feasibility of a President Hillary Rodham Clinton. She is one of those 'love-them-or-hate-them' figures in American politics. In this sense, George W. Bush is the same. Polarising. And whilst this doesn't mean an inability to win, it means a mighty challenge.

A presidential race with Hillary Clinton as a candidate would be very nasty, making the 2004 race look lame. But you can rest assured that the Clinton camp would be quite happy to bring out their own artillery in such a situation.

Some say she's too far to the Left (which unfortunately equates to a disadvantage in countries like theirs and ours). But to understand her stance on issues is to realise that she belongs to the "hawkish, interventionist extreme" of the Democratic Party and is a "confirmed free-trader". She's very similar to her husband in this way. She remains, however, popular with the small-l liberals in the party, and is famous for her strong support of abortion and women's rights.

But something tells me Hillary Clinton just would not be able to win in 2008. The Republicans will choose a very strong team for the White House in 08. And my confident prediction is that the ticket will almost certainly consist of Senator John McCain. Every poll I've read that attempts to foresee who would win in a Clinton v. McCain race has favoured with the latter by a relatively comfortable margin. Rudy Giuliani is also a possibility for the Republican ticket in 08, and we all know why he's so popular.

Whilst I understand that both McCain and Giuliani are so-called moderates, the Republican Party simply does not deserve the White House. The world does not deserve defenders of the Bush Doctrine determining United States foreign policy.

Let me say that I think a Biden-Clinton ticket in 08 would do well. A Gore-Clinton ticket would also. Even a Clark-Clinton would be in with a very, very good chance of victory. But as nice as another President Clinton would be, the Democrats deserve to win in 2008. They should have no reason to fear another loss.

(This is not my most eloquent post ever. I'm in the latter stages of a disgusting cold and am not thinking quite as clearly as usual. But I had been thinking about this subject, and wanted to update the site.)


  • At Tue May 09, 07:37:00 PM, Blogger Anthony Stoddart said…

    Ain't that the truth.

    (I just realised how terrible my photo placement is in this post. I should have had the Dems to the Left and Reps to the right.)

  • At Wed May 10, 06:51:00 AM, Blogger jenniferlouisewright said…

    I have such respect for Hillary Clinton. She's an intellect (what a constrast to the current moron-in-chief) and a tough character. Meryl had some very interesting comments about women in politics when she played (superbly ...) Eleanor in 'The Manchurian Candidate'. They are treated very differently simply because they are women, by the press. I hope to God that Hillary is president one day. The world would be a very different place if she had been in command. She might be the one to save that country.

  • At Wed May 10, 06:51:00 AM, Blogger jenniferlouisewright said…

    PS - If no to Hillary, how about MERYL FOR PRESIDENT?! lol ...

  • At Wed May 10, 10:54:00 AM, Blogger Anthony Stoddart said…

    Meryl signed on for the film "First Man" with Robert DeNiro, due out in 2007, in which she is the first female US President. Looking forward to that...!

    Yes, Hillary would certainly bring a welcome change of leadership style to Washington. And I think she would make a fine leader. But I also think there are other Democrats who, as president, could bring about greatly needed change.

    All I hope is that the Dems choose the right candidate. John Kerry is a good man with a keen intellect, but he wasn't the right person in 2004. And that really was an election the Dems should have won, despite the whole war-time factor.

  • At Fri May 12, 03:24:00 AM, Blogger Anon said…

    Having a woman President of the United States would send a powerful message to the rest of the world...women are still third class citizens in many countries, think of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, parts of Sudan and so on.

  • At Sun May 14, 12:22:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Hope you feel better soon, anthony :)

    Thought this might be an interesting read for you.

  • At Mon May 15, 09:46:00 PM, Blogger Anthony Stoddart said…

    Well that certainly was interesting. Sounds like she wasn't in a great mood the day she said that.


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