anthony js

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I just went to, as I do from time to time to see what their headlines are and what their latest online survey is. The fourth of the five headlines displayed as I type this is: No more sex scenes, Angelina tells Brad. The article reads

Angelina Jolie has disappointed millions of Brad Pitt fans by putting a stop to him doing any more sex scenes, according to reports.
A US tabloid says the actress has become insecure over her body since becoming pregnant with their child.
And now she has laid down the law to Pitt, 42, to ensure he will not be getting hot and heavy with another woman.

"Now that Angelina is pregnant … she has become increasingly jealous of Brad's opportunities to star alongside many of Hollywood's leading ladies," Celebrity Living reported a source as saying.

If I wanted to read this invented shit, I would buy a New Idea or the new sensationalist magazine Famous. I do not want to find it among the news headlines on an Australian network website.

I find much of the same kind of gossip crap frequently at Let me have a look right now and see what's up............Yep, right beneath the main headlines, there's

Former X-Files star Gillian Anderson is set to go topless on the big screen

and, though it isn't gossip, there's also, in the photo section,

Ice skating may be boring, but it's funny when they fall over.

I'm in shock that Jessica Simpson isn't up there at the moment. The last few months have almost guaranteed a photo of her on the main page of that site.

Will real news exist in twenty years?

(My apologies for an angry post...but it really, really gets to me.)


  • At Fri Mar 24, 05:26:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Ugh, what drove you to ninemsn? Go have a shower!

    Real news barely exists now; it still goes on, but next to no-one watches/reads it.

  • At Sat Mar 25, 11:14:00 PM, Blogger Anthony Stoddart said…

    Yeah, why do I even bother? I suppose I'm interested to see what their polls are, and how people are voting.

  • At Wed Apr 05, 01:53:00 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    Set your homepage to -- less pictures, more text, less opinion, more news, but if you want that kind of stuff they have two artsy blogs in their Arts subsection that will provide all the goss you need :)

  • At Wed Apr 05, 01:57:00 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    this is the one I meant -


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