anthony js

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Meryl with Lindsay Lohan (Image from

As people know, I worship the woman above on the left. And her political views are quintessentially Hollywood. Here's her latest, while reflecting both on the appointment of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, and her nephew's deployment to Iraq...

"I'm so demoralised. I want a candidate to come out of nowhere and have no conflicts. I want major campaign reform. I want Jesus to come back and throw the moneylenders out. Everybody in the administration should have a kid in that conflict. Then they'll know how they feel about it."

Idealistic comments, certainly. But it's always reassuring to know that there are indeed some Americans who are as dissatisfied as I am, and as others are, with the behaviour of that government and others too. Her comments on the moneylenders reminded me of comments she made in 2004, which I highlighted in a previous post (

Alec Baldwin linked the approved nomination of Alito to "chicken-shit Democrats in the Senate. We have a bunch of budding Zell Millers (Georgia senator) down there. I loathe and despise him on a daily basis."

I had to do a bit of research on who exactly Zell Millers is. I was astounded to find that he is a Bush-supporting Democrat, who actually addressed the Republican National Convention in 2004 to back Bush and denounce Kerry. Bizarre.


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